Hi there, my name is JR Valentine, but most people online know me as operationSMITHEE.
I'm quite new to programming so this has been taking getting some used to. Right now, I'm trying to develop this webpage
to be fairly minimalist and straightforward, and make it as easy as possible for myself to update the site w content whenever
i see fit. This ranges from drawings, to generative art, to music, and other experiments if i ever get super deep into HTML
or even other languages!
Prior to building this website, I've been involved with graphic design, concept art, sound design, and music production since 2014 or so,
with content just rolling out in 2016. Slowly, but surely, I've been gaining consistency, as well as support for my work overtime. Most
of the people I know, as well as my general audience, typically know me from social media, but it all feels very scattered and disorganized.
Plus, social media sites aren't always garunteed to stick around, which is why having a website seems to have much more of an advantage.
Thus, as my aesthetics continue to branch out, it's only necessary I centralize all of my content thru one website,
something available to both friends and employers alike.